Project Tej Sukutek

Teje tarit kot nyi
- Paraphrased Nandi saying
History shows us that every great people, every great town, every great culture or country that has succeeded through time has been built by people who took personal responsibility for the realization of their collective greatness.

They did not call on the state needlessly, they did not leave it to elected officials, they tackled challenges to their collective existence together and individually, as communities they worked on projects that would lead to the betterment of their collective existence.

Did we forget this?

Why then is Sukutek as it was when we found it fifty years ago when our fathers and grandfathers took on the challenge of turning verdant bushland into the productive food bowl it is today.

Did we not as young one's trek there to enjoy it's waters, do we still not occasionally visit.

This is a call to all past and present residents of Mogo, and, friends of Mogo. Let us build on what has been done, let us improve what we can. We need not wait on the county or the state do things for us, there are indeed greater matters of concern for our MP's and Senators, so let us do what we can.

Here are a few images of carbonated water springs from around the world, concepts of improvements that have been done to improve the look and safety for visitors. This is not hard, Mogo has birthed engineers and surveyors, politicians and marketers, designers and doctors. If we come together we can put up a structure of beauty for us, our children and their children to come.


Find us on Facebook and let us collaborate on the continuing journey of transformation of the Lessos Scheme into one of Kenya's most vibrant, food and heritage tourism destinations.
